Zoom yoga guidelines
All you need is a laptop, iPad or tablet or a smartphone
If you using an iPad, tablet or smartphone go the Apps setting and download the zoom app first. If on a laptop go to www.zoom.us. - it's free!
Book into a class as normal. You will receive an email with a zoom invitation link, The link looks like this, although the number at the end will be unique: Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/219636199
Click the link (if asked for a password this will be in your email under the link.) You can join before the class start time.
Sometimes when you click the link you'll be taken to a 'waiting room' - don't worry I won't keep you waiting too long.
When you first arrive your device will likely ask you to 'join with device audio' . Say yes to this and make sure you have the volume turned up!
On a laptop you'll have a menu bar at the bottom, on the left are two icons, a microphone and a video camera. You can unmute yourself to say hello and if you want to practice with your video off that's fine too.
I will mute everyone (with Love) before the class begins.
Set your view to Speaker, or you can use the 3 little dots in my window on screen and pin me - so you have me filling your screen in glorious technicolour!
Time is allowed for you to position your mat and/or your device so you can see the screen and hear me during the class. And don't worry about having to constantly keep an eye on the screen, slower transitions are used and I am employ the sacred art of signposting to guide you into the next pose - thus reducing the risk of cricked necks, losing your balance or getting left behind.
Trust that as you become more familiar with this forum you'll adapt and rely less heavily on the sense of sight, your ears and body will attune to the flow, this will enable a deeper connection to your practice despite it being in this different mode.
When the class ends you can unmute if you wish to say goodbye but if you need to rush off don't worry about how to leave the meeting the teacher will sort this out and close the class.
And that's is about it!
So what are you waiting for? Click here and give it a go.