Under the Stars - A Samhain Meditation Evening
Sun, 01 Nov
The darkness comes and nature reminds us to rest and remember. Join me for meditation by the fire in a fairytale woodland venue under the stars.

Time and Date
01 Nov 2020, 18:30
Tickenham, Tickenham, Clevedon BS21, UK
About The Event
Samhain is a Gaelic celebration which for centuries has marked Summer's end. The ancient title which is pronounced Sow (as in cow) wain, also means to assemble.
Traditionally it is held between 31st October and 1st November, half way beween the Autumn equinox and the Winter Solstice. A period when Mother Nature drapes herself in a cloak of fertile darkness as she descends inside to rest and renew before the light of Spring awakens with her glimmering call again.
This is a time in the calendar to honour our ancestors. It is said that the veil between worlds it thinner at this period and we can see with more clarity what lies beyond this world. We are being beckoned to rest, renew and reflect on what's gone before and let go of anything we've been dragging around that is now pleading to be released. Shedding what we don't require creates space for the seeds of new ideas, dreams and plans to be planted and in the stillness we tune into our own inner flame to invite in healing, positive energy that will lead us through the darkness.
Our guided meditation will invoke Kali, the goddess of time, space and transformation, to help us sense the divine spark as we prepare our own ground for the regeneration, watering and nurturing of the seeds of new intentions.
The setting for this unique event will see us return to the beautiful private woodland of Brown Rock Farm in Tickenham. Seated around the fire, fairy lights and candle flame will hold our special evening in a sacred sangha of shared celebration.
Space will be limited to 10 and full Covid Safety precautions will be in place including strict social distancing and hand sanitising. You will need to bring warm clothing, a cushion or blanket to make your bench or tree stump seat a little more comfortable and a hot drink. The meditation site will be illuminated however you will need a torch and suitable outdoor footwear for the ascent and decent. The site is easily accessed however.
Parking is available at Brown Rock Farm. Please allow 10 minutes to walk to the site. Toilet facilities are available both at the far and nearby to the meditation area.
Should it be raining then the event will unfortunately not take place and all tickets will be refunded in full.
Samhain Meditation
£12.00Sale ended